IFBOT team robot application on solar panel

About Us

IFBOT Technology

IFBOT Team on the field with solar panel cleaning robot

IFBOT Technology, founded in 2018, is committed to alleviating humans from repetitive and hazardous tasks. While IFBOT X3 stands as our flagship product, it wasn't our initial endeavor. Three years before the inception of IFBOT, our goal was to develop a drone-equipped window cleaning robot to autonomously clean windows, eliminating the need for precarious manual labor. However, regulatory challenges hindered our progress, compelling us to shift our focus to solar panel cleaning, leading to the establishment of IFBOT.

IFBOT Team on the field with solar panel cleaning robot
IFBOT solar panel cleaning robot

Our journey has influenced the distinctive design of IFBOT, which is remarkably lightweight—80% lighter than its closest competitor—and fully intelligent, driven by embedded AI algorithms. This design not only enhances adaptability but also offers users a hands-free experience at an affordable price. Moreover, it aligns with our original vision of creating a robot light enough to integrate with a drone for a fully autonomous solution.

Despite encountering challenges, we pride ourselves on our originality. Creating something unprecedented entails facing and overcoming obstacles without ready-made solutions. Our diverse team, comprising serial entrepreneurs, academics, robotic engineers, software engineers, and former bankers, shares a common purpose: to explore how ordinary individuals can positively impact the world through innovation and hard work.

Our slogan, "If the world like this…" reflects our ethos of inspiring individuals to pursue their dreams and effect positive change.

We are a company driven by imagination, continually envisioning new possibilities and bringing them to life.

Our Documented Moments and Key Insights

IFBOT at Shanghai Photovoltaic Exhibition

IFBOT X3 made its debut at the Shanghai Photovoltaic Exhibition in 2021

IFBOT Solar panel cleaning robot during reliability test in cold and low-pressure enviroment

Testing the Reliability of Our Robot in Cold and Low-Pressure Environment

IFBOT Factory

Our Factory in Fujian, China, Ensures the Security of Our Supply

Explore IFBOT X3: The ultimate solar cleaning companion.

IFBOT X3: The groundbreaking, portable, and fully autonomous solar panel cleaner. Its ultra-lightweight design ensures easy transportation and high-angle cleaning capability, providing complete coverage. Revolutionize solar panel maintenance with IFBOT X3's affordability, making it accessible to all.