Cookies Policy

In this policy, we will explain how we use cookies and similar technologies (we'll refer to them collectively as "cookies") to recognize you when you visit our Platform. It explains what these technologies are and why we use them, as well as your rights to control them.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small units of data temporarily stored on your computer or mobile device to increase your website experience. Cookies do not contain any personal information about you and cannot be used to identify an individual user. A cookie often includes a unique identifier, which is a randomly generated anonymous number stored on your device. Some expire at the end of your website session; others remain on your computer longer. Learn more about cookies at

The cookies we use

Google Analytics / Google Search Console / YouTube

Google Analytics, Google Search Console and YouTube use cookies to make statistics available for web pages and analyze the use of the site. Cookies collect anonymous information about website traffic and such information cannot be used to identify a person.

For more information about Google cookies, click here.

For more information about Google Analytics cookies, click here.

How can I block or delete cookies?

We do not use cookies to collect personal information of the users of our website. However, you can block or delete our cookies or those of third parties by changing the settings in your browser. For more information, please refer to the ‘Help’ section in your browser. Most browsers automatically accept cookies. If you do not wish to enable cookies, you may need to actively delete or block them. For more information on the use of cookies on mobile phone browsers and on blocking or deleting them, please refer to the user instructions of your mobile phone. If you do not wish to allow cookies to be used, you can still use our website. However, some features may not function correctly.