Discover IFBOT X3

Innovative Solutions for Diverse Solar Panel Applications

Explore the versatility of IFBOT X3 in addressing various challenges across diverse solar panel applications. From rooftop installations to agro-solar hybrid stations, fishery-solar setups, and beyond, discover how IFBOT X3 revolutionizes solar panel maintenance with its lightweight, fully autonomous, and dry cleaning capabilities. Join us as we delve into real-world use cases and unveil the transformative potential of IFBOT X3 in optimizing solar energy systems.

IFBOT X3 solar panel application

Rooftop solar panels

Did you find it hard to clean the solar panels on your rooftop? Because it’s hard to access, no place to stand on, or troublesome to connect water source?

No worry, IFBOT X3 got your back!

  • IFBOT X3 is only 6.5 kilos which allows you carry it through ladder;

  • It’s fully autonomous, so once you pressed the “start” bottom, you can stay in somewhere comfortable and no need to wait on the rooftop;

  • It performs dry cleaning, so no need of water, and no need of troublesome set up!

IFBOT X3 in the field

Agro-solar hybrid PV station

Agro-solar hybrid PV stations can dramatically boost economic returns by renting out the land beneath the panels to farmers for extra revenue. However, it also creates a challenge for solar panel cleaning, as the panels are typically elevated to make space for the plants, rendering traditional cleaning methods inefficient.

You can turn to IFBOT X3 if you are facing a similar challenge. All you need to do is place it on the panel and then press the "start" button.

IFBOT X3 desert application

Fishery-solar hybrid PV station

Similar to agro-solar hybrid PV stations, fishery-solar hybrid PV stations also offer additional returns by utilizing the area beneath the panels, such as for fish farming. However, this creates even bigger challenges for cleaning, as it dramatically reduces panel accessibility, with boats being nearly the only option. As a result, traditional cleaning methods, including manual cleaning and using heavy machinery, become invalid due to the high risk of capsizing.

Luckily, IFBOT X3 can handle this scenario with ease, weighing only 6.5 kilos, making it easily transportable by boats. Additionally, it performs dry cleaning, eliminating concerns about producing waste that could fall into the water and harm the fish.

IFBOT X3 cement rooftop

Cement plant rooftop PVs

If you are a cement plant owner with solar panels, you're going to love IFBOT X3!

Cleaning panels using existing methods are costly due to constant dirt from cement dust, requiring frequent cleaning. Traditional methods like water cleaning are not feasible as it turns cement dust into paste.

With IFBOT X3, those concerns are gone – you can easily clean your panels as often as needed at no additional cost and without water.

IFBOT X3 Mountain application

Mountainous PV station

Cleaning solar panels installed on mountains can be challenging due to the lack of a standard driveway and limited access to water.

IFBOT X3 might be able to assist if your panel installations are standard. For instance, panels within the same array should have the same tilt angle and no height differences.

If you are curious about whether IFBOT X3 can help you, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can provide more customized advice for your unique situation.

IFBOT X3 large ground base

Large ground-based PV station

Large ground-based PV stations are more likely to have multiple alternatives when it comes to solar panel cleaning. If you are exploring a cost-effective, scratch-free dry cleaning method that can support large tilt angles, contact us at, we are here to help!

Video Gallery

Watch as IFBOT X3 tackles the challenges of rooftop installations, agro-solar hybrid stations, fishery-solar setups, and more, delivering efficient and effective cleaning solutions. Explore our collection of videos showcasing IFBOT X3 in diverse real-world scenarios, and witness firsthand how it transforms solar panel maintenance across various industries.